Why Reviews Don’t Really Matter

Reviews for anything really are kind of strange once you think about, especially considering what everyone enjoys is subjective.

Reviews can also shape how one experiences the product, changing how they view the product in order to go along with what a reviewer says. For example, if someone reviewed a movie and didn’t particularly like it, a person who read or saw the review may go out of their way to find reasons to hate that movie.

Now that does not mean that reviews can be helpful. If a ton of people leave reviews saying a movie is bad, that could mean two things, that they either really thought it was bad or they do not like that genre. Another thing about reviews is that you may end up liking or hating a movie and not agreeing with the reviews in the first place. There are also times were reviewers are to harsh, thus causing people to not even go and watch the movie, even if they had an interest beforehand.

Again, reviews are actually worthless if you think about it. They can help somebody make an opinion of something before that person experiences it, which means that person will never know if they will truly enjoy or hate it. People need to experience something to form their own opinion, and they really should not form an opinion beforehand. I still watch review videos, but that is only after I experience what is being reviewed or I know I will never end up watching that movie. Reviews are an interesting way to see what other people thought of the product, even if people should not base their own opinions off of reviews.

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